Saturday, September 19, 2009

An amuse-bouche for your enjoyment

Please let me apologize for not updating this blog for a while. I have been rather busy with work, and life in general, lately. The laptop is still running strong, and it has been helping me a lot these days.

The good news is I have already installed Windows 7 Ultimate on this machine. First impression is absolutely wonderful. The installation process was quick and painless, and the OS itself is a charm. It's like Windows Vista WITHOUT all the crazy annoying glitches. Everything just works! I am going to talk a little bit more about the Windows 7 installation process in the next few days. In the meantime, I have two screen shots, one of Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit and one of Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, for your amusement. Take a look at the system memory usage!

Windows Vista (Taken immediately after second boot, with all the stock software and factory settings)

Windows 7 (Taken after a clean install of the OS and antivirus)

A reader asked about the power adapter, so here you go...

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