Monday, September 7, 2009

God is in the details

I was at the Sony Style store the other day and I was curious to know how my beloved FW490 compare with all the other Sony VAIOs in the store. In retrospect, I really should have paid the Sony Style store a visit BEFORE I bought this laptop, even though it would probably have done very little to change my decision.

The difference between the XBRITE-FullHD and the XBRITE-Eco LCD screen (both are CCFL-backlit NOT LED-backlit, by the way) can only be appreciated in person. The FullHD screen is definitely brighter and sharper, and the higher resolution is perfect for viewing multiple windows (say Gmail, Hulu, and Microsoft Word) at the same time. 16.4" is, in my opinion, the sweet spot for the 1080p resolution. The 18.4" VAIO AW is, in comparison, too large to be considered a portable computer.

What comes as a real surprise is when I compare between the black and the chocolate brown machines, I noticed that they have different texture! The lid in the black one has a more sand paper like texture, while that in the brown one is completely smooth (though not glossy). It's hard to say which finish is superior, as the black one seems to provide a better grip, while the brown one feels better to touch. I just what to point this subtle detail out to other potential FW buyers.


  1. I'm just about to get an FW490 and I have been wondering whether to pay extra for the Full HD resolution screen or not.

    I'm going to use this notebook for web design & development. So, it has to be good and comfortable for both programming and design.

    There's no shop in my area that has both so I'll
    take your word for it.
    Do you think I should pay the extra buck for the FullHD screen?

  2. Hey there, I'm a potential FW buyer. Great blog, man.
    I'm from Australia and I'm getting a close friend to buy it for me when he travels to California.
    Can you please tell me the specifications on the adapter. Our voltage is 240V. Voltage in America is 110-120V...I think.
    I'd like the adapter to say "90V-260V" compatible because I can just get a plug adapter to compensate for the two vertical plugs, that's a standard in America.

  3. Hey, great blog! I´m going to buy a FW 490 and it´s so good read some notes about it. I was in doubt but I know for sure that I´ll buy a Sony Vaio. When you get Windows 7, please, post your impressions about.

  4. The FullHD screen is definitely worth every cent in my opinion, especially if you are into programming and design. I do quite a bit of web programming myself, and it's very nice to be able to view a large chunk of code without scrolling up and down. With Windows 7, I can easily snap my IDE to the left and my browser to the right of the screen when I am debugging my apps. The small font size may put some strain on the eyes, but it still beats having to scroll the windows all the time.

  5. It is hard to imagine what you are describing as 'a more sand paper like texture'. What I am most curious about is: Does the Black lid show ANY fingerprints (due to its texture)? I really hate fingerprint magnets. There are many smudgy laptops and electronics out there these days. I am glad that Sony has not 'followed the crowd' on that trend.

  6. Go to a hardware store and ask them for the extra-fine sandpaper (800 or 1000), the black finish basically feel similar to that. I like the texture very much mainly because it does NOT show any fingerprints. I am also very glad that Sony has decided to stay away from those super-glossy finishes.
