Friday, October 9, 2009

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

As the Windows 7 official launch date draws near, many companies are holding off their new products and promotions until after October 22, 2009. I have been thinking about getting another thin-and-light laptop as a companion to my Sony VAIO FW490, but it seems like there just aren't any good deals out there.

Fortunately, I came across this USD$150 off coupon for a Sony VAIO VGN-FW490 yesterday. The coupon code is FW490CTO150 and it is supposed to expire on October 12 or after 200 uses. This is definitely a rare, but attractive, deal; it's better than the deal I got when I purchased mine in August. If you are thinking about buying a VAIO FW490, act now!

By the way, if you want to get a copy of the full retail version Windows 7 Ultimate, you may want to check out my listing on eBay. The same version is currently selling for USD$319.99 at, but you can get it through my eBay listing for a fraction of the price.

[Update] eBay is giving me a hard time by removing my listing repeatedly; their explanation is that I had "limited selling history". I admit I have never sold anything on eBay before, I got to start somewhere, right? Anyway, I will think of a good way to post the Windows 7 Ultimate up again on the internet. Please check back later.

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